Full report: Silicon Valley Pain Index 2022

The Silicon Valley Pain Index is produced by the San Jose State University Human Rights Institute. The annual study focuses on racial discrimination and income inequality in the region.

The report, first published in 2020 in response to the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police, was inspired by an index compiled about New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

The Human Rights Institute released its latest findings this week. Here is the full report.


0 Number of Apple executives and senior managers that are African American, Pacific Islander/Hawaiian and American Indian/Alaskan Native men (77 white men, 126 total).

0.46 Amount in dollars that Latinx workers in San Jose make for every dollar earned by white workers.

0.7 Number of Silicon Valley households (6,913) that own 25% of the collective wealth versus the bottom 50% of Silicon Valley households (467,187) that own 1.4% of the wealth.

1 Number of people who died each day on average on the streets of Silicon Valley over a one-month period during mid-December 2021 to mid-January 2022.

1.3 Percent of the housing wealth owned by African Americans in San Jose, though they are 3.2% of the population.

1.4 Percent of the wealth owned by the bottom 50% of Silicon Valley households (467,187) compared to 25% owned by 0.7% of households (6,913).

1.5 Percent of Board of Directors that are Latinx at the largest 200 tech firms, with 3% being African American.

2 Number of Apple executives and senior managers that are African American women; 0 Latinx, Pacific Islander/Hawaiian and American Indian/Alaskan Native women; 6 Asian women; 21 white women (out of 126 total).

2 Number of homeless individuals that get connected to housing in Santa Clara County for every three that become newly homeless.

3 Percent of Google leadership positions that are held by African Americans, while 66% of Google leadership positions are held by whites.

3.9 Percent of students suspended in all Santa Clara County school districts that are African American (1.8% of student population) compared to 1.1% for whites (19% of student population).

5.3 Percent of whites living in poverty in Santa Clara County, compared to 11% for Latinx, 11.3% for Native American/Alaska Native and 11.7% for African Americans.

5.4 Price in dollars per square feet for the average office rental in Silicon Valley, an all-time high.

6 Number of unarmed community members killed by San Jose police officers from 2015 to 2021; in total, 25 community members were killed by San Jose police.

6.8 Percent of Asian Americans living in poverty in Santa Clara County (3.6% for Asian Indians, 4.6% for Filipinos, 4.8% for Japanese, 8.2% for Chinese and 12% for Vietnamese households).

8 Percent of tree coverage in the lowest income areas of San Jose versus 20% tree coverage in the highest income areas.

10 Percent of the households ($500,000 and above in investable assets) that control 75% of the collective regional wealth.

11.2 Percent of San Jose State University (SJSU) student body (4,000 students) who have experienced homelessness in the past 12 months.

12 Number of students who received SJSU emergency housing (on and off campus) in fall semester, 2022, with 213 SJSU students requesting emergency housing assistance.

12 Percent of the housing wealth owned by Latinx Americans in San Jose, but 24% of the population.

14 Percent of San Jose that is covered by trees, down almost 2% since 2012 and equivalent to 2.7 square miles; tree coverage in Seattle, WA is 28%, and 40% in Pittsburgh, PA.

15 Number of active San Jose police officers involved in the killing or critical injury of a community member.

21 Percent of the immigrants in San Jose metro area that are undocumented.

22 Percent of white households in Silicon Valley that are unable to provide their basic needs with their income (in comparison to Asian Pacific Islanders at 27%, African Americans at 46%, Latinx at 61% and a rate of 33% for all households).

23 Number of female students confirmed by the Department of Justice that were sexually assaulted by Scott Shaw, a San Jose State athletic trainer.

23 Percent of public complaints against San Jose police officers that were due to excessive force.

23.2 Suspension rate per 1,000 of Santa Clara County students who live in poverty versus 9.7 per 1,000 for non-poor students.

24 Percent of Board of Directors who are women in the tech industry.

25 Percent of San Jose police officers who were named in complaints filed in 2020.

30 Percent of SJSU student body (11,000 students) that have experienced food insecurity.

33 Percent of Silicon Valley households (168,429) that have zero or negative “net worth.”

39 Percent of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) and women workers in tech companies who do not feel a part of the decision-making process at work.

39 Percent of the people who are immigrants in the San Jose metro area (762,784 residents), who collectively pay $18.2 billion in federal, state and local taxes.

42 Percent of SJSU students that have experienced housing insecurity.

44 Percent of the housing wealth owned by whites in San Jose, though only representing 35% of the population.

45 Percent increase of the price of unleaded gasoline in the Bay Area in December 2021 in comparison to December 2020.

46 Percent of children in Silicon Valley who live in households that do not earn enough income to cover the family’s basic needs and require government or nonprofit assistance to meet them.

50 Percent of all restaurant and food service industry workers who are immigrants in San Jose metro area.

54 Hourly wage in dollars that renters need to afford the average monthly rent in San Jose for a 2-bedroom apartment (approximately $111,680 a year).

56 Percent of Latinx (12+ years old) who have received at least one booster vaccination for COVID-19, compared to 63% for African Americans, 72% for whites and 73% for Asian Americans.

58 Number of traffic fatalities involving pedestrians, motorcycles and cyclists.

70 Percent of tech companies that have zero Latinx members on their executive leadership team.

72 Percent of San Jose residents who support a non-police approach to issues such as traffic safety, mental health, school safety and assisting the homeless.

73 Percent of tech companies that have zero African Americans on their executive leadership team.

73.8 Life expectancy in years for African Americans in 2021 in Santa Clara County, down from 76.4 in 2019; Latinx life expectancy: 77.4 down from 80.5; Asian/Pacific Islander life expectancy: 81.7 down from 83.2; white life expectancy: 82.1 down from 82.9.

82 Percent of SJSU students who reported that COVID-19 had “somewhat or very negatively” impacted their mental health and overall well-being.

83 Amount in dollars of the average stock price per share among all public Silicon Valley companies at the end of 2021, which is more than 5 hours of gross pay for minimum wage workers.

123 Hourly wage in dollars needed to afford to buy a median-priced, single-family home in San Jose ($255,635 per year).

135 Number of overdose deaths by fentanyl in Santa Clara County, rising from 90 in 2020 and 29 in 2019.

204 Number of affordable housing units completed between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022, down from 417 the previous year; in 2018, the mayor and City Council established the goal of building 10,000 new affordable units by 2022; 8,372 affordable housing units are needed to reach this goal.

238 Number of sweeps of homeless encampments in San Jose in 2021.

250 Number of houseless people who died on the streets of Santa Clara County in 2021, a 55% increase from pre-pandemic levels, and the most ever recorded.

480 Amount in dollars that Westfield Valley Fair Mall charges its workers each year for parking, many of whom make minimum wage.

830 Number of affordable apartments (9 developments) completed by Santa Clara County with 2016 Measure A funding, serving 1,640 formerly homeless and low-income community members.

1,526 Number of injuries to Latinx community members caused by San Jose Police Department in use of force incidents from 2017 to 2021 in comparison to 565 cases for whites, noting also that injuries tended to be more severe for Latinx community members.

2,227 Number of beds for year-round temporary shelter capacity for the houseless, an increase of almost 20% since January 2020.

2,297 Number of people who died from COVID-19 in Santa Clara County since the start of the pandemic.

3,165 Median monthly rent in dollars in the San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara metro area in December 2021, making it the most expensive metro area to rent in the U.S.; studio median rent: $2,463, 1-bedroom median rent: $2,771, 2-bedroom median rent: $3,410.58.

6,739 Number of people who are homeless in San Jose on any given night, up 11% from 2019.

10,028 Number of people who are homeless in Santa Clara County on any given night, up 3% from 2019.

14,337 Amount spent per pupil in dollars in the Franklin McKinley School District, where 59% are Latinx students and the average household income is $75,898.

18,498 Number of total affordable housing units in San Jose that are city funded with affordable restrictions.

19,764 Amount spent per pupil in dollars in the Saratoga Union School District, where 4% are Latinx students and the average household income is $195,584.63.

31,000 Average annual income in dollars of service workers in Silicon Valley.

37,731 Average annual income in dollars of a person living on the east side of San Jose, where 90% are Latinx and Asian (i.e., predominantly Filipino and Vietnamese).

43,000 Number of people that moved out of the San Jose metro area between April 2020 and July 2021, which is an almost 8-fold increase from before the pandemic (2019) when 5,400 residents moved.

45,467 Number of U.S. born residents in the San Jose metro area who lack health insurance.

54,256 Number of white people living in poverty in Santa Clara County, compared to 52,877 for Latinx, 47,123 for Asians, 5,382 for African Americans and 1,071 for Native Americans.

56,867 Number of immigrants in the San Jose metro area who lack health care coverage.

60,228 Average annual income in dollars for full-time Latinx workers in Silicon Valley, which is a $404 decrease from the previous year.

70,085 Average annual income in dollars for full-time African American workers, which is a $2,593 decrease from the previous year.

90,000 Average annual income in dollars for full-time female workers versus $125,000 for male workers.

123,131 Average annual income in dollars for full-time Asian American workers, which is a $4,933 increase from previous year.

128,834 Median annual income in dollars of Silicon Valley workers, which increases to $170,000 if stock options are included.

146,690 Average annual income in dollars for full-time white workers, which is a $3,046 increase from previous year.

160,000 Number of undocumented immigrants in Santa Clara County.

164,900 Number of immigrants in San Jose with limited English proficiency; languages spoken at home other than English include Spanish (43%), Vietnamese (23%), Chinese (18%), Tagalog (3%) and Hindi (3%).

244,000 Number of children in Silicon Valley (46%) who live in families that don’t earn enough to provide the basics of food, shelter and clothing (51% of these are Latinx).

450,000 Number of clients that Second Harvest of Silicon Valley provides groceries to each month since March 2022.

1.8 Million Amount in dollars of the median sales price of an existing single-family home in Santa Clara County in April 2022, up from $1.5 million (23%) from April 2021.

4.1 Billion Amount in dollars of Zoom’s revenue, up 10x since start of the pandemic.

8.7 Billion Amount in dollars that tech titans and real estate paid for office buildings, up $6.2 billion from 2020.

30 Billion Amount in dollars of Netflix’s revenue, up 50% from 2020.

118 Billion Amount in dollars of Facebook’s revenue, up $86 billion from 2020.

258 Billion Amount in dollars of Google’s revenue, up $183 billion from 2020.

340 Billion Amount in dollars of Santa Clara County’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), an increase of 4.4%, which is the largest increase in the nation, up from $340 billion in 2020.

366 Billion Amount in dollars of Apple’s revenue, up $275 billion from 2020.

1.4 Trillion Total market value (“market capitalization” or “market cap”) of Alphabet (Google) Corporation in June 2022.

3 Trillion Total market value of Apple Corporation on Jan. 3, 2022, tripling the record breaking $1T benchmark reached in 2018, and making it the most valuable company on the planet at the time. However, Apple and many tech industry stocks have lost significant value since this high (down over 28% to $2.139T in June 2022)

For an introduction to the report and a list of citations for the above data, click here

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Thomas Tieu